a 501(C)(3) Non-profit Corporation
Federal EIN: 23-2030952
P.O. Box 163
202 Highland Road
Wernersville, PA 19565
Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated.
Help us continue to restore and preserve these three historic farmsteads.
Click the DONATE button to donate with PayPal or your credit card. Thank you!
The Fall Harvest and Acoustic Music Festival is discontinued. Thanks to all who joined us each year. Unfortunately, the event could not be supported by our financial and volunteer resources.
Historic Restoration and Preservation
Study of Local Cultural Traditions and Folk Heritage
Interpretation of Rural Farm Life and Social Economic Developments
A 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation
Volunteer support is critical to the operation of Old Dry Road Farm. Help is needed in assisting with school programs and maintaining buildings and gardens.
Please contact us with any questions or interests you may have.
A living-history farm museum located in the Blue Marsh Lake Recreation Area of Berks County, Pennsylvania.
The Old Dry Road Farm Complex includes
200 acres of farm land on which are three farmsteads.​

National Register of Historic Places

National Register of Historic Places

Restoration and preservation of these historic properties are funded through membership dues and donations.
In order to continue our educational programs and preserve this Berks County historic treasure we reach out to our community to please consider supporting Old Dry Road Farm.
DONATE: Consider a donation to our Preservation Fund.
Donate by check: Payable to Old Dry Road Farm. Mail to PO Box 163, Wernersville PA 19565
Donations, including membership dues, may be tax deductible.
Old Dry Road Farm is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Corporation